All Brave Astrolites

And in a flash, a cloud of glittering stars burned the night. The whole canopy, horizon to horizon, casting a pall of silver across the quiet world below. But I didn’t just see it. I felt the void above me. I felt it reach beyond my tiny person, beyond my miniscule planet, exploding out to infinity, a silent wonder that had no end. And I felt the mind, the pulse, and the motion inside it. All those worlds and lights, billions of places that a person can see and stand on with their feet, feeling the solid ground beneath. And look up into the firmament, out across the celestial mass that bore them like a womb, and wonder about this immense thing, this unlikely, uncanny universe, replete with light and dark and everything

What is this?!

Just some stories and ideas. I hope they are humorous and entertaining. And if you should find yourself thinking and reflecting a littlethat’s even better!

Critter thumbnail


~ 5 minutes

Vacant Spaces thumbnail

One Evening In a Pandemic

~ 5 minutes

Cerebroscan thumbnail


~ 2 minutes



~ 3 minutes

Nokta Parchment thumbnail

Nokta Parchment

~ 30 minutes

All Brave thumbnail

All Brave Astrolites

~ 50 minutes

Sojourns of Gods thumbnail

Sojourns of Gods

~ 12 minutes


Midrash of a Stowaway

~ 10 minutes



~ 5 minutes


Abandon All Weakness Ye Who Enter Here

~ 10 minutes

the smuggler

The Smugglers

~ 1 minute

groaned in protest

Groaned in Protest

~ 2 minutes

The Glimmer

The Glimmer

~ 12 minutes